TrueWay Kids

TrueWay Kids is our ministry to children Pre-K through 6th grade. TrueWay Kids meets every Wednesday evening at 5:30PM (unless our local school, Kennard ISD, is out or on holiday). We provide a snack supper, lead the children through Bible Study, Music, and end with games. If you would like to register your child to participate please come by on a Wednesday evening and speak to one of our church staff or volunteers. We would be happy to have your family be a part of our children's ministry.

Please be informed that TrueWay Kids does not meet during the Summer Break.


Change in Plans for December 7 noted below:

December 7: Christmas in Kennard -TrueWay Kids can volunteer at the TrueWay Kids booth to raise money for foreign missionaries. (9am to 1pm) Kids that volunteer one hour will earn 25 TrueWay Kids "bucks". Due to the weather forecast TrueWay Kids will not participate in the parade or play chimes/sing at the tree lighting.

December 15: Christmas Cantata - TrueWay Kids that participate in the Cantata wil earn 25 TrueWay Kids "bucks". Please arrive for the Cantata by 10:30.

December 18: TrueWay store will be open.

TrueWay Kids will not meet on 12/25/24 or on 1/1/25